Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mount a USB Drive in an old Linux Distro

I always forget this, prompting me to search the web everytime...

To mount a USB device in an old distro such as RH9, just plug the device and wait for a few moments before typing dmesg. The output should list a new device at /dev/sd?. Once you know this, you can mount it using mount -t auto /dev/sd? /mnt/usb if you have created /mnt/usb prior to that. If not, then create a similarly named directory under the /mnt folder or wherever you want to mount it.

If you cannot find anything useful from dmesg output, type modprobe -r ehci_hcd once you plug the disk while you are already in gnome. In that way, you remove the module


and the module


handles the disk automounting process